Privacy Policy

Fujitsu and data privacy

Fujitsu Limited, Japan, and its subsidiaries worldwide (”Fujitsu”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This privacy policy sets out the basis on which we will process any personal information that we may collect about you as a visitor to this website. This privacy policy also sets out how we protect your privacy and your rights in respect of our use of your personal information.

Fujitsu may have a privacy policy or statement specific to particular local laws, products or services in which case such policy or statement shall supersede or supplement this Privacy Policy

What personal information do we collect from you?

We may collect and process the following personal information about you:

Personal information that you give us:

This is information about you that you give to us register for access to this website (or other forms that we ask you to complete), It may include, for example, your name, address, email address and telephone number; information about your business relationship with Fujitsu; and information about your professional role, background and interests.

Personal information that this website and other systems collect about you:

If you visit this website it will automatically collect some information about you and your visit, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the Internet and some other information such as your browser type and version and the pages on our site that you visit. This is used to monitor the performance of the website and improve the experience of visitors to the website. Our website may also download “cookies” to your device – this is described in our separate cookie policy. As described further in the cookie policy, you can change the way in which we use cookies by changing your cookie preferences.

This website may contain links to websites of third parties who are not affiliated to Fujitsu. If you access such third-party websites by clicking on such links, we are not responsible for the way in which such third parties process your personal information that they collect.

Other personal information:

We may also collect some information from other sources. For example:

If we have a business relationship with the organisation that you represent, your colleagues or other business contacts may give us information about you such as your contact details or details of your role in the relationship.

How will we use your personal information?

We may collect, store and use your personal information for the following purposes:

to operate, manage, develop and promote our business (including our products and services) and, in particular, our relationship with the organisation you represent (if any) and related transactions – this includes, for example, marketing purposes (when we have either gathered prior opt-in consent and/or have a legitimate interest to send you communications which we believe to be relevant and of use to you), warranty processes, product compliance processes, accounting and billing / payment purposes;

to operate, administer and improve this website

to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and bring and defend legal claims and assert legal rights; to provide you with services or information that you may have requested;

to enable you to take part in our online assessments and surveys; and keep you informed and updated on relevant products or services you may be interested in.

We may from time to time review information about you held in our systems – including the contents of and other information related to your email and other communications with us – for compliance and business-protection purposes as described above. This may include reviews for the purposes of disclosure of information relevant to litigation and/or reviews
of records relevant to internal or external regulatory or criminal investigations. To the extent permitted by applicable law these reviews will be conducted in a reasonable and proportionate way and approved at an appropriate level of management. They may ultimately involve disclosure of your information to governmental agencies and litigation counterparties as described below. Your emails and other communications may also occasionally be accessed by persons other than the member of staff with whom they are exchanged for ordinary business management purposes (for example, where necessary when a staff member is out of
the office or has left Fujitsu).

We will only process your personal information (i) as necessary so that we can pursue the purposes described above, and (ii) where our lawful basis for processing is that such processing is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests, only where we have concluded that our processing does not prejudice you or your privacy in a way that would override our legitimate interest in pursuing those purposes besuch. In exceptional circumstances we may also be required by law to disclose or otherwise process your personal information.

Disclosure and international transfer of your personal information

We may disclose personal information about you, where reasonably necessary for the various purposes set out above:

to the other members of the Fujitsu group of companies;

to your colleagues within the organisation that you represent;

to service providers who host our web services or other information technology systems or otherwise hold or process your information on our behalf, under conditions of confidentiality and security required by law;

business partners, channel partners, service partner, agents, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with them or you;

to a person who takes over our business and assets, or relevant parts of them; or

in exceptional circumstances:

to competent regulatory, prosecuting and other governmental agencies, or litigation counterparties, in any country or territory; or where we are required by law to disclose.

These disclosures may involve transferring your personal information overseas. If you are dealing with us within the European Economic Area, you should be aware that this may include transfers to countries outside the European Economic Area, which have not been determined by the European Commission to have an adequate level of data protection. In those cases, where we transfer personal data to other members of the Fujitsu group or our service providers, we will ensure that our arrangements with them are governed by relevant legal mechanisms and safeguards including data transfer agreements, designed to ensure that your personal information is protected, on terms approved for this purpose by the European Commission.

How long do we keep your personal information?

We will delete your personal information when we no longer need such personal information, for instance where:

  • it is no longer necessary for us to retain your personal information to fulfil the purposes for which we had collected it;
  • we believe that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate; or
  • in certain cases where you have informed us that you no longer consent to our processing of your personal information.

Sometimes, however:

  • there are legal or regulatory requirements which may require us to retain your personal information for a specified period, and in such cases we will retain your personal information for such specified period; and
  • we may need to retain your personal information for certain longer periods for product liability purposes or in relation to legal disputes, and in such cases we will retain it for such longer periods to the extent required.

Note that we may retain some limited information about you even when we know that you have left the organisation that you represent, so that we can maintain a continuous relationship with you if and when we are in contact with you again, representing a different organisation.

You have the following rights (subject to applicable local laws) in relation to the personal information that we hold about you:

you may have a right of access to the personal information that we hold about you, and to some related information, under relevant data protection law;

you can also require any inaccurate personal information to be corrected or deleted;

you can object to our use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes at any time and you may have the right to object to our processing of some or all of your personal information (and require them to be deleted) in some other circumstances;

you can require us to delete your personal information in certain circumstances;

you also have the right to require us to restrict or block the processing of your data in certain circumstances (when processing is restricted, we can still store your personal data, but may not use it further);

in certain circumstances, you have the right to obtain from us your personal information that we hold, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Further, you may have the right to require us to transmit your personal data directly to another person (for instance a new provider) where it is technically feasible to do so; and

where we are processing your personal information based on your consent to such processing, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Further information and advice about your rights can be obtained from the data protection regulator in your country.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights (subject to applicable local laws) or have complaints about our processing of your personal information, please Contact us as set out below. You can also lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal information with the body regulating data protection in your country.

Sensitive Information

We request you not send to or share with us any sensitive personal information (e.g. information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, genetic, or biometric data, criminal background or trade union membership).

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy statement or our processing of personal information, please Contact us

If you would like to contact our Data Protection Office, please Contact Us.

Changes to this policy

This privacy policy is valid from the time of its publication on the Fujitsu websites, and all previous versions of this privacy policy become invalid as of such time. Any changes we make to this privacy statement in the future will be posted to this website (at and also available if you Contact us. Please check back frequently to see any changes.
We will also keep available previous versions of this privacy policy on this website indicating their date and version number.
Last updated: 21.5. 2018